The Emotion Code™ developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC (ret) is a very precise method to find and release trapped emotions that are influencing and limiting the quality of your life. No one is immune to the fact that there have been events in their life that adversely affected them. These events can lead to trapped emotions that contribute to a less than optimal life experience. Whether it is stress, anxiety, chronic pain, emotional turmoil or any other adverse condition that robs you of the joy of living; The Emotion Code™ will help you release your trapped emotions so you can live your best life now.
Call to book your Emotion Code™ session today and experience this gentle technique for yourself. Karen is here to help you achieve your optimal health and well-being.
On any given day you experience hundreds of emotions. On occasion there are emotions that you put off to deal with later or that are so intense that you don't know how to deal with them. These are the emotions that become trapped because you haven't been able to process them. Over time we accumulate theses trapped emotions and carry them around with us (in our energy field). We have even given them a name- emotional baggage, because we are carrying the collective emotional load of the past into the present moment. Left trapped, these emotions can affect your mood, physical and mental health, your relationships and your ability to deal with day to day happenings.
These trapped emotions are silent and invisible. You would only become aware of them when symptoms of imbalances show up like unexplained physical pain, chronic stress, difficulty forming healthy relationships, mental fatigue, over-reacting or any other experiences that prevent you from enjoying your life.
Isn't it time to unpack your emotional baggage so you can feel better now?
Utilizing muscle testing I am able to communicate with your body to pinpoint emotional energies trapped within you that may be causing a particular problem. Then a simple technique is used to release the trapped emotion allowing your body to come back into balance and begin its instinctual healing process. Each trapped emotion is unique, meaning that multiples of the same emotion cannot be released all at once. Each emotional energy is recognized as an individual unit and will be released one at a time. As a practitioner, I am guided by your body's instructions and follow the path your body provides.
One of the advantages of the Emotion Code™ is that time and distance are no longer obstacles to receiving the help that you need to feel and be your best. Sessions can be done virtually (through Zoom, Google Meets, What's App, Facetime), over the phone, through email or in-person. Virtual sessions allow you to receive treatments in the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world. This eliminates the need for travel and makes scheduling more convenient.
One of the many benefits of The Emotion Code™ is that no conversation is required. Language is not a barrier. A concern about talking about a trauma or reliving it are eliminated. The Emotion Code™ is not talk therapy. You can accomplish the goal of releasing past events that are still having a negative effect on you without using your voice. Your subconscious knows what your intention is and will work with me to help you heal from your undesirable experiences. For many, using email sessions can create a safe environment to facilitate the healing. Simply email me that you have a trauma that you would like to work on. No further details are necessary. This can also be done virtually or in-person stating that you have a trauma you would like to work on. This is an empowering and freeing alternative.
The number of Emotion Code™ sessions needed varies from person to person, depending on how complex their emotional issues are and and their overall well-being. Some people may experience dramatic shifts after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired outcomes. I can help you determine a suitable treatment plan based on your unique needs. A typical session lasts for 30 minutes .Each persons experience is unique as is each session.
There is a processing time that takes place that is different for everyone and different after each session. It is the time your body takes to integrate the changes you made when you released the trapped emotions. Many people say that they feel lighter after a session, as if a weight has been lifted from them. Some are energized and others are sleepy. In the short term, the processing takes on average, 2 days. Long term, many say that their pain is gone, their relationships have improved and overall they just feel good.
Animals can benefit from The Emotion Code™ the same way that you do. By releasing their trapped emotions you may see an improvement in their behavior, in their physical health or just their general sense of well being.
"As any animal lover will tell you, animals have feelings, too. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion. Even without words, animals express their emotions clearly. When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from trapped emotions just as people can." -Dr. Bradley Nelson
A Heart Wall is your body's defense mechanism. If your body thinks that your heart is going to be injured or harmed by grief, loss, neglect, abuse or anything else that might cause your heart to ache or break, it will create a barrier, a shield, a wall using trapped emotions as its building material.
Initially, a Heart Wall is good. It keeps harmful stuff out. However, that same Heart Wall also keeps beneficial stuff out, too. And it keeps stuff in. This makes it hard for you to give and receive freely. It can make you feel isolated and alone even in the company of those you love and those who love you. It may also cause physical pain. Removing a Heart Wall can be life changing. I determine if you still need your Heart Wall. If yes, I leave it in place. If no, we take it apart on trapped emotion at a time. Once removed, many people found that their whole life experience transformed. It takes approximately 3 sessions to remove a Heart Wall, so what are you waiting for? Call to book your session now.
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